Meet Audrey Robinson!

Meet Audrey Robinson, Director of Boys and Girls Club Navarro. Audrey has been with BGCD for a few years and initially started as Program Coordinator. We sat down with her and asked her a few questions about her experience here.

What drew you to BGCD and excites you about working here?

I enjoy introducing children to new things, something that would normally be outside of their regular scope. I think it is important to have them spend time doing good things on a day-to-day basis. I’ve worked with children for 15 years overall.

What do you think would’ve been your favorite program at BGCD as a kid and why?

I was not a Club kid, but Kids in the Kitchen would be my favorite. I don’t like to cook so knowing that as a kid if I was exposed to that I would probably like to cook now. I also like the increased exposure to college and post high-school plans is something I would’ve loved.

What is your favorite program as a director?

I think Kids in the Kitchen as well. Most kids don’t like to cook because they don’t know how. They might not have the opportunity at home. I’ve also noticed that they enjoy learning what they are actually cooking. They love learning how to serve!

What are your hobbies and interests outside of work?

Outside of working I like to spend time with my family and trave! I want to go to Paris. I love spending time with my family and daughter. I also like arts & crafts.

Favorite show growing up?

I liked Full House & Family Matters. Both shows are family orientated shows and considering I come from a family focused background I liked these shows.

If you had a time machine where would you go back to?

If I had a time machine, I would go back to 2nd grade of elementary school. I had a teacher who passed away in an accident and I would love more time with her.


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