Meet BGCD Board Member John Zimmerman

Meet BGCD board member John Zimmermann! He’s originally from Lake Highlands and currently serves as the Director of Investments for Sycamore Tree Capital Partners. John initially ran BGCD’s Young Professionals in Finance when he first started volunteering and eventually joined the board of directors in 2009, serving on the finance committee.

The programs he’s been involved in have evolved over time. What started out as a not-so-successful lecture series and SAT prep program turned into Young Professionals in Finance.  which culminated with a competitive Shark Tank-style competition for teens. Mark Cuban even judged one of the competitions! Now, John is co-leading Career Ready, which is a response to the direct needs and wants of teens. These programs now have the support of major corporate partners like Charles Schwab, PwC, Wells Fargo, and more.

We sat down with ­­­John to find out a little bit more about his volunteer work and interests:

Why did you decide to volunteer with Boys & Girls Club of Greater Dallas?

I decided to join an organization like Boys & Girls Clubs because my parents modeled what it looked like to give back. I told them that after college I’d find a cause and figure out how I contribute. Education is something that is a big passion of mine and I wanted to invest in it. BGCD is a perfect fit! Fun fact: I was the youngest board member when I first started


What is your favorite part of being with Boys & Girls Club of Greater Dallas?

My favorite part about the organization is the group of teens I work with. I felt like  I knew teens well when I started, but I realized over time that connecting with teens was a welcomed challenge. That drew me even more! I committed to learning new ways to engage them.


If you could choose a program to be a part of as a kid, which one would you choose?

The programs that me and my fellow volunteers created are the classes we wish we had when we were in high school. So, of course it would be Career Ready.


What hobbies & interests do you have?

I spend most of my time with my wife and two kids. I also play in a corporate rock band called “Socially Distant” formed during the pandemic. I sing and play the bass! It’s a way we can share our passion with others.


What was your favorite cartoon growing up?

The Simpsons are my favorite!


If you could go back in time and talk to anyone at any time, who would you talk to?

I would go to right before I went to college and tell myself to take advantage. I would tell myself to study harder and play music because there will never be a time like this.


Favorite subject growing up?

Can anyone take a lucky guess? Math!


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